All about ayurvedic diet and food

Ayurvedische Küche Ayurvedisches Essen

The ayurvedic diet is not only a culinary delight – first and foremost it is one of the main remedies to maintain and regain health and energy in the holistic ayurvedic health system, which is the oldest of humanity. All about ayurvedic diet and food you will find here on news and in my book “absolutely hot and healthy”.

Ayurveda Lifestyle in Berlin

Change meine Bewegung Behandlung bearbeitet

Life in a big city like Berlin can be quite challenging, so the ayurveda lifestyle is just right for you. Here you will get lots of practical tips for shopping for your Ayurvedic diet and for good and healthy restaurants in Berlin, which cooking fresh with natural ingredients. Here you will also find, where you can find authentique Yoga studios, events or places of power in nature in and around Berlin – to recharge and relax. Ayurveda lifestyle in Berlin – we keep you updated